GX’s Tower Base

My base on Drogadur, the Galactic Hub’s capital planet, was a bit unusual. I wanted to do something different. Back then, there weren’t many base-building pieces, and I got a bit bored of the standard prefabs. It ended up looking like a giant chess piece 🙂

It was originally built during the Pathfinder update and carried over to Atlas Rises, where I changed the colour palette to better match the new surroundings. Unfortunately, a large part of the base ended up underground after Hello Games updated the terrain generation algorithms.

Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun before the change. The Galactic Hub was probably the most lively place in the whole galaxy back then. I made my way there using the fan-made galactic map, as there were no in-game tools for navigation yet, portals simply weren’t a thing.

Drogadur, the Hub’s capital, was particularly busy, as most players who wanted to be closer to others were making their way there. The planet had several player bases, though back in Pathfinder, it was quite a glitchy experience, with bases disappearing and reappearing randomly. There was also no way to meet other players; the only mean of communication was leaving a message orb (some bases had quite a few of them around!).

But the initial concept of the base was slightly different. I was quite pleased with the result however misjudged the required space for the landing pad, leading to an asymmetric top that I found rather annoying. My original intention was to provide a convenient passage from the ship straight to the elevator…

I just found this footage while writing this article. Did not remember that I actually recorded the base tour for this first version of the tower! Fun rewatching after 5 years lol, did not remember that built-in an easter egg – a secret stash of fuel cells intended for someone who visited and was thorough enough… don’t think anyone ever found it as visits to my bases were very rare.